- Selkirk
- Astria
- Pilgrim
- Whitfield
- Napoleon
- Skytech
- Regency
- Hampton
- Kingsman Fireplaces
- Sand Hill
- Kozy Heat
- HY-C
- Majestic
- Improved Consumer Products Inc.
- Hearth and Home Technologies
- Imperial
- Lexington Forge
- Duravent
- ICC Chimney
- Minuteman International
- Lennox
- Peterson Fire
- Hearthstone
- Woodman's Parts Plus
- Forge & Flame
- Superior
- Breckwell
- John Wright
- Pacific Energy
- Enviro
- Heatilator
- Ironstrike
- Condar
- Dagan LLC
- Simplifire
- EcoFan
- Vermont Natural Stone Works
- Vermont Castings
- Lopi
- Temco Fireplace Products
- Loctite
- Harman
- Quadra-Fire
- Travis Industries
- Monessen
- National Chimney
- Marco
- Quality Home
- Valor
- A.W. Perkins
- Honeywell
- Dutchwest
- Empire
- Rutland
- Heat N Glo
- Ember King
- White Mountain Hearth
- Goods of the Woods